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The Metaverse has become a relevant topic in the world of technology, opening doors that until now had not been considered. It is a new way of interacting between users who enter a virtual world. Even for companies, the metaverse will become a place where you need to enter to reach your customers.

What is the Metaverse

The Metaverse is to be considered a space in which differen technologies converge such as blockchain, non-fungible tokens (NFT) and cryptocurrenies, artificial intelligence and agumented reality. It does not replace the phisycal world but opens up to new opportunities for companies to interact with the audience. Infact, in the Metaverse it is possible sell or buy goods and services but also organize and attend events.

The importance of privacy and cybersecurity in the Metaverse

The importance of proper data management and sharing will be a very important issue. In the metaverse it will be more difficult to identify and prosecute those responsable for hacker attacks and any data breaches. The actions of users in the metaverse will also lead to the collection of a large amount of data and information, on psychology, behavior and even biometric data, with continuous monitoring.


The adoption of cybersecurity software must be a prerogative for every company that decides to enter the metaverse, despite possible regulatory changes for security control.

The Metaverse created by Virtual Reality (VR) and Agumented Reality (AR)

There are two possible experiences that will be possible with the evolution and integration of metaverse. While Virtual Reality requires a helmet or a visor to dive into, thus creating a second universe, at the same time it limits movement in the phisycal world.


The most realistic and functional, instead, is the one created by Agumented Reality that digitally enriches our world. Trough the use of smart glasses that gradually replace the smartphon, digital elements overlap the phisycal world, creating a clearer integration between reality and virtuality.

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