The Piano Transizione 4.0 is the new industrial policy of the Ministry of Economic Development, established by the Legge di Bilancio 2022 as an extension of the previous Plan. This political direction replaces the previous Impresa 4.0 and Industry 4.0 and proves to be an important economic lever to encourage the digital transformation of Italian companies.
The tax credits of the Piano Transizione 4.0 in 2022
The Piano Transizione 4.0 regulates the tax credit linked to activities such as Research & Development, technological innovation and design, as well as encouraging actions related to the ecological transition, and also establishes the tax credit on investments in capital goods 4.0. On the other hand, there is no extension for incentives related to over-depreciation and over-investment.
In the case of the Tax Credit in Research, Development, Innovation and Design, renewals are expected until 2031. For the whole of 2022, the rates will be as follows:
- from 12% to 20% for research and development up to €4 million;
- from 6% to 10% for technological innovation up to 2 million euros;
- 15% for green or digital innovation up to 2 million euros;
- from 6% to 10% for design and aesthetic conception with a ceiling of 2 million euros.
Starting from the tax period 2024-2025, the economic aid intensity is expected to decrease until the rate is halved.
The facilities for the purchase of capital goods 4.0, instead include both tangible assets (machinery, , equipment, capital goods, new factory equipment and hardware) or intangible assets (software and digital technologies).
For investments in tangible capital goods made from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022, the credit is recognized in:
- 40% of the cost, for the share of investments up to 2.5 million euros;
- 20% of the cost, for the investments share of exceeding 2.5 million and up to 10 million euros.
For investments in intangible capital goods 4.0 until 31 December 2022, the tax credit shall be granted at a rate of 20% of the cost, up to a maximum of one million euro eligible costs.
Becoming an Industry 4.0
Even before the creation of the Piano Transizione 4.0, we talk about Industria 4.0 and digital technologies and tools that improve the efficiency of the company in all its areas: from resource management, to workflows, to business models.
We, as TC2 Group, have invested in research and development to support the digital transformation of our and other companies that want to be at the forefront to innovate the industrial sector in Italy.
Digital xLab was born as a business unit that works by offering tailor-made services and software to digitize business processes and improve performance compared to competitors. Thanks to this project, we have become a business partner with vertical skills for the implementation of digital products encouraged by the Piano Transizione 4.0.
Begin the digital transformation process
The goal of the MISE becomes increasingly clear: to direct the future of the country towards a change that promotes innovation and sustainability. The incentives of the Piano Transizione 4.0 therefore suggest that it is the right historical moment to invest in the digital transformation of your company, supporting the changes that the world of work is already going through.